It was suggested by Perth Business Gateway to rewrite the 2001 proposal to use the Millennium Dome as a global environmental management centre, this time relevant for Scotland in 2006. The outline executive summary, Scotland:The World's First Ecological Superpower, was produced. The next stage is to implement it, what do you think?

Monday 22 January 2007

Applied Planetary Engineering Search Update

We appreciate there have been some problems with this site falling out of the search engines. When it was launched it was the top hit on Google for applied planetary engineering. It then mysteriously disappeared, Google would not even acknowledge it's existence let alone search for it.

This problem may have been over come and the site has returned to the top of the Google index. If any of our readers would like to try searching for the site using applied planetary engineering and would like to report their results it may help us in providing an improved service.

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